The Horse concept – map of students' projects.


Map of cross-border students collaboration environmental projects and institutions
Map with collaboration projects :: click to open ::

The projects are published on


How is it to the use "The Horse" concept with the «befter» method ?

Two insights from Ilkay Nargaz Gulek (Turkish culture and English teacher from Izmir) and Reshma Rajesh (student from Kerala, India), 2022
Insight view using The Horse concept with student Reshma (India) and teacher Ilkay (Turkey) about their cross border projects.

Further Interviews with students & teachers: Video testemonials interviews with teacher Ann (Belgium), Mary (India), Praveena (India) and student Lars and Dharany (Switzerland) about the cross border projects and how The Horse concept works.

Praveena (India), Ann (Belgium), Mary (India) and the students Lars and Dharany from Switzerland about their project collaboration experiences, "The Horse" concept and the "befter" method.

Schwyzerdütsch: Lars über ihr Projekt "Water supply in agriculture" und die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team in Indien.

All Interviews above on one page (

Some statistics

statistics dwme In 2023 has proudly hosted 253.697 wonderful visitors, with 129.449 unique individuals, and a remarkable total of 1.442.854 page views! (excluding search engines and bots, of course)

The Horse project, Collaborations across borders, Zusammenarbeit über Grenzen!

The Horse concept – a splendid way for teachers and learners to carry out collaborative projects with a sustainable impact.

[2024/2025] "The Horse" project has received a grant from Movetia, the Swiss National Agency for Exchange and Mobility.
Das "The Horse" Projekt hat von Movetia, der Nationalen Agentur für Austausch und Mobilität, einen Förderbeitrag erhalten.

[07/22/2023] Doppelseitiger Artikel im Zürcher Oberländer über The Horse project!

Weitere Informationen und Pressetexte in Deutsch ↓

[05/30/2022] We've never had as many collaborative projects from all over the world as we did in 2022! There are a lot of valuable new contributions on

The interactive map on the top shows realized collaborations.
Institutions that have participated so far: The projects are part of our "THE ! association" – The Horse Education association using the "The Horse" concept and the "befter" method.

Some facts about «The Horse» project

Since 2016 (to 08/2023) in total 194 published team contributions on originated under "The Horse" concept using the "befter" method and the COIL approach; further information below.

From a variety of countries, odd 480 students published their projects, including 20 teachers, ~17 experts & scientists, and a number of comments were given. In addition, more than 390 students used the non-puplic part of "The Horse" infrastructure for working together.

The Horse projects

Below is a selection of already realized collaboration projects with different countries. An additional overview of the projects since 2016 is located at The Horse Education since 2016
Would you like to take part in The Horse Concept? Get in touch.

Cross border student' collaboration projects 2023 on

Collaborations 2023

This time we started with collaborations between teams from Switzerland and Dubai. Topics included fast fashion, sports nutrition, video games and energy consumption, and much more.
About the "Collaboration Projects 23"
Collaboration 2023 contributions
Collaboration Teams

Cross border student' collaboration projects 2022 on

Collaborations 2022

This year again, young people have initiated and carried out collaborative projects across cultures and borders, with the aim of making an impact from local to beyond using "The Horse" concept.
About the "Collaboration Projects 22"
Collaboration 2022 contributions
Collaboration Teams

City Climate contributions by collaborative student' projects

City Climate 2020/21

The overall topic is "City Climate" with special focus on "City Trees". Find befter-contributions from "Urban Gardening", "Green roofs", Building to "City animals", "Sustainable Investment" and more.
About the "City Climate" projects
City Climate projects
City Climate Teams

Sharing 2020

Sharing and using instead of owning and storing could be one of the future strategies for sustainable management. Students from Zurich, Switzerland carried out their great ideas with enthusiasm.
About the Sharing projects
Sharing Teams
Sharing projects

Food & Climate 2019/20

Very exciting projects on this "explosive" topic were carried out in collaboration with students from Antwerp, Belgium, Kerala & Dehli, India and Zurich, Switzerland carried out projects using the befter method.
About the Food & Climate projects
Teams Zurich, Antwerp, Kerala, Dehli
Food & Climate projects

befter projects 2018/2019

«before and after the experience»
Students from Antwerp, Belgium and Zurich, Switzerland carried out projects using the befter method. There are several steps to go through: imagination, research, team discussion, performing the experience, self-reflection, publishing, propagation on social media, asking for experts' feedback & getting comments.
More about the befter concept befter Teams 2018 - Zurich
befter Teams 2019 - Antwerp (Belgium) & Zurich
Already realized befter projects

Scenarios Z.B. 2018

Scenarios Z.B. - Z.urich B.erlin
Students from Zurich/Wetzikon (Switzerland) and metallography students from Berlin (Germany) created contributions in collaboration. There was even space for imagination in the fashion of some crazy ideas and strange stories.
About Z.B.
Teams Berlin & Zurich
Z.B. projects

ZürIzmir 2017/18

Zürich & Izmir (Turkey) - ZürIzmir
Comparing environmental topics across languages & across cultures: The students’ internationally mixed research teams tried to create a relationship to their own local environment or to the place where they live in.
About the ZurIzmir projects
Topics' pick list
Teams Izmir & Zurich
ZürIzmir projects

w2w 2016/17

w2w – from where to where
Students’ research teams discover the life cycle of every-day things as far and as intensely as possible in the given time. For the first time social media channels ( Instagram, FB and Twitter) had been used for propagating the contributions.
About the w2w projects
Teams of w2w
w2w projects

Energy 2015/16

The Horse concept is born! The students’ answers to their own renewable energy questions got published on the new students’ project website
About the birth of The Horse Concept
The Energy Teams Zurich/Wetzikon
Energy projects


FreeChos – Freely chosen topics
Room for self- and team engagement – there is the possibility to do a self-chosen and practice-oriented project coached by professionals.
All FreeChos

THE ! Team

Eliane Suter

Eliane Suter

President of THE ! association
Concept, environmental & educational advisor.

Barbara Jäckli

Barbara Jäckli

Board Member
Biologist, environmental activist, translator, former teacher.

Dominik Fehr

Dominik Fehr

Board Member
Concept, Technical Head.

Peter Binz

Peter Binz

Board Member
Former teacher, biochemist and musician.

Sivani L R, Kerala, India

Sivani L R

Project assistant, THE ! ambassador
Student of Computer Science, LBS Institute of Technology, India

Prof. Dr. Stefan-Kammhuber, head of IKIK

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kammhuber

Scientific advisor, director ikik, Institute for Communication and Intercultural Competence.

Jasmine Schmid

Jasmine Schmid

Marketing, Graphics, Social Media
Graphic Design Communication, Art School Zurich, PR

Jael Locher

Jael Locher

Project Assistant, THE ! ambassador
MSc in Environmental Science and Engineering.

Katerina Kuneva

Katerina Kuneva

Coordination, Technical assistant
UZH, Student of Informatics and Computational Science and Engineering.

Join in / donate

Hover or tap for slow motion.
«The Horse» project is a non‑profit association.
We believe in cross-border collaboration and learning trought experiences to change reality. For a distinct more enjoyable future!

Becoming a "Horse" member

If you also love and are convinced of the ideas of "The Horse" concept with its cross-cultural environmental collaboration projects and would like to participate with your commitment, ideas or interests, we warmly welcome you as a new "Horse" member – no membership fee needed!

Of course we need some money to support collaboration projects & teams, to improve "The Horse" concept and its tools, to run the infrastructure and to make it better and even more diverse & simpler.
We also have the goal to spread the concept and give rewards to people around the world who are committed to "The Horse" and give finance support to special projects or people that carry it out!
For people from Switzerland (association headquarters) the regular fee for a one-year membership is 50 CHF, but it's absolutely not mandatory.

How to become a member? Through delight or engagement for "The Horse"! For example as being part of a collaboration, a project advisor, a facilitator, a collaboration initializer or even if you have ideas how to improve "The Horse" concept or also if you make a donation.
If you like to join in "THE ! association", you are warmly welcome! Let us know: .

Donating options

IBAN, Bank Account

IBAN: CH89 0839 0036 1944 1000 0
THE ! association, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland
Alternative Bank Schweiz AG
4601 Olten, ABS (

Credit Card, PayPal

Membership (
Free amount - donation, membership (

TWINT, QR-Bill/QR-Rechnung
Twint (
Twint, anonymous transfer (
QR-Rechnung / QR-Bill (PDF, TWINT integriert)
You are also welcome to receive a deposit slip, just ask.
Association headquarters / Vereinssitz
THE ! association
Friedheimstr. 5, c/o B. Jäckli
8057 Zürich, Switzerland

For questions please don't hesitate to contact us

THE ! association

The Horse Education (THE) ! association' main purpose is the promotion and dissemination of «The Horse Concept». The association was founded on 9/19/2018 by Eliane Suter, Barbara Jäckli, Peter Binz and Dominik Fehr. These form the board of the association, Eliane is the president.

Why is it called «The Horse»?

The fine, proud and beautiful horses symbolize our journey towards exploration and collaboration, carrying only the essentials as we navigate the world together. Just as I witnessed the unforgettable Camargue horses in the wild, they inspire our path. Similarly, our lighthouse emblem guides us across borders, offering a beacon of shared light for meaningful cross-cultural work.

Our aim is to make «The Horse Education» available for teachers and students worldwide. Both the young learners and the teachers will be able to apply and test expert knowledge, competences and tools in the context of a project.

The Horse Education association Board

We are an interdisciplinary team of teachers, environmental scientists, practicioners and web experts.

The purpose of the association is to

  • Promote and disseminate the concept through practical, relevant collaborations across generations and regions, involving learners, teachers, experts as well as other interested participants.
  • Promote, develop and make available web-based tools, resources and infrastructure, including their operation and maintenance as well as the provision of necessary funds.
  • Promote sustainable thinking and action, collaboration, social fairness and in general, the idea of a healthy environment, both in Switzerland and globally according to the current UN Sustainable Development Goals (
  • Promote participation and engagement in public life in order to make evidence-based decisions.

THE ! Horse association statutes

THE ! The Horse Education assotiation statutes, 2019-04-01 (PDF)

It's always possible to achieve high goals. Eliane, Barbara, Peter and Dominik have founded the association on 9/19/2018
It's always possible to achieve higher goals.


Do you have a question, a comment or would you like
to try out the concept? We love to hear from you!


Seat of the association/Vereinssitz

THE ! association
Friedheimstr. 5, c/o B. Jäckli
8057 Zürich

Press «The Horse» project

Seit 2016. Since 2016.
Why is it called «The Horse»

«The Horse» Konzept auf einer Seite erklärt (PDF, 03.2023, Deutsch)
«The Horse» concept overview (PDF, 07/2020)

News & In-depth information

Lehr- und Lernweb "The Horse" Konzept (, Deutsch)
Teaching & Learning Web "The Horse" concept (, English)

Publications about «The Horse»

[07/22/2023] Doppelseitiger Artikel und Onlinebeitrag im Zürcher Oberländer über The Horse project! Deutsch.

Publikation im Magazin FachFrauen Umwelt, 2020.03. «The Horse» Konzept – Kollaborative & kulturübergreifende Umweltprojekte (PDF, Deutsch)

Movetia National Agency for Exchange

Projects presented in the Studentenzeitung/student magazine, WKVW inside journal, issues years 2023, 2022, 2021.

Video testimonials

Some background

Participations, presentations, workshops

Neuigkeiten auf (Deutsch)
News on (English)

Websites belonging to «The Horse» project

THE ! association (this website)
Neuigkeiten, vertiefte Informationen (, Deutsch)
News, in-depth information (, English)

The students' project website (
Working environment for student collaboration / Arbeitsumgebung für die Kollaboration der Studierenden (not public, contains over 4000 posts from previous projects)
Project website's social media: Instagram X-Twitter Facebook


Robair logo featuring the word ROBAIR slanted upwards with ROBAIR.CH underneath.

Paragliding school.

Alternative Bank Switzerland logo, featuring a bird on the left side followed by the name of the bank

Alternative Bank Switzerland.

Grashalm IT GmbH logo featuring a green blade of grass with a red beetle on top with the company name below

Jazz vinyl
That is Grashalm-IT's owner's passion.

ubub logo featuring the letters UB with its reflection underneath followed by the words Umweltbildung Umweltberatung in a vertical manner and a bird on top.

Environmental education & consulting.

Movetia logo featuring a the letters M O V in slanted format followed by the words E T I A.

National agency for exchange and mobility.

Hamasil Stiftung Logo featuring the words of the foundation in black color on top of a white background

Promoting sustainable, social and cultural development.

Partners 2024, 2025

KV Zürich Schule Logo.

KV Zurich Business School Switzerland. Empowerment in business education.

Christ Nagar Higher Secondary School logo featuring a book with a lit lamp on top with the words 'The Way The Truth The Life' above and below it in Hindi and English followed by the name of the school

Christ Nagar Higher Secondary School, India. Excelling in educating youth.

Program Pendidikan Vokasi Universitas Indonesia Logo

Vocational education program Universitas Indonesia. Excellence in vocational training.

Imprint & privacy

The website does not use cookies.
The website does not use third party services such as Google Analytics, Google Fonts, CDN Services, FB, Twitter, etc.

More ... When accessing the website, the web server logs the access data in log files (IP number, date, time, browser and other technical information).
This usage data could be used for statistical evaluations. We have integrated the Summary box for Wikipedia links ( we developed. When you hover your mouse over a Wikipedia link or tab it with your finger to display a "Summery Box", it will contact one of Wikipedia's servers to retrieve the summary of the matching Wikipedia article.

Data Protection & Privacy: According to the Bundesgesetz über den Datenschutz (DSG, 01.09.2023,, German) of the Federal Constitution Article 31 Rechtfertigungsgründe (, German).

Dominik Fehr, data protection officer,
08 Sept 2023,

THE ! asssociation with The Horse concept

THE ! association
Friedheimstr. 5, c/o B. Jäckli
8057 Zürich, Switzerland